The NewNow_Health

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Even the simplest idea can change the future of healthcare.



Do you have an idea that could change the future of healthcare?

Tell it to The New Now, the initiative by the Swiss Embassy in Greece, the Flux Laboratory / Fluxum Foundation and the Inartis Foundation. Two thousand specialists will listen and help you to realize it.

Join in by 14 June.

You want to learn more about the Challenge?
Join The New Now Live Webinar this Friday 4th of June at 4:00 pm and find out all you need! To access the webinar, click here:

What is The New Now?

The New Now is a contest that encourages innovation by providing support to individuals and teams who try to realize new ideas.

Who organizes The New Now?

Τhe NewNow initiative is operated by three mains partners, The Embassy of Switzerland in GreeceThe Flux Laboratory Athens / Fluxum Foundation & The Inartis Foundation.

It is also supported by Aegan Airlines.

What do we mean by “innovation”?

In The New Now we define as innovation an idea which will benefit society, a new process or service, a product resulting from strategic management, an alternative source of profitability and growth.

We are looking for an idea which will be based on one of the above or which will combine some or all of these features to make the world of healthcare a better place. By “healthcare” we mean a state of full physical, mental and social wellbeing rather than just the absence of diseases.

We focus on 4 areas:

  • Product and service innovation.
  • Process innovation.
  • Marketing and market innovation.
  • Organizational Innovation.

Who can participate?

The New Now is open to submissions of both individual and collective proposals concerning ideas that are truly new, have yet to be finalized and are not derived from other, already realized ideas.

The sole condition is that candidates must live or work in Greece.

No submissions will be accepted by personnel of the companies and foundations that support the current The New Now contest or by members of the judging panel and their families. Moreover, no submissions will be accepted by winners of previous contests presenting the same idea.

Is there a fee for participating?

No, participation in the contest is free. Candidates will only be liable for any expenses relating to the preparation of their file and, if applicable, their travelling expenses to Athens for the presentation.

There is no compensation for participating in the contest.


May I submit more than one idea?

Yes, as long as each proposal is based on a different concept. Also, it is possible for more than one natural person and/or legal entities to participate in one idea.

Is attendance of the seminars compulsory for participating?

No, but we believe they can help you to prepare and present your idea. Check the dates here.

Is there a way to have immediate access to news about The New Now?

You can follow us on Facebook and Instagram so that you get to learn everything new about The New Now contest at all times.

How do I submit my proposal?

Complete files, signed application forms and all additional documents, in English, must be submitted on the site or sent via conventional mail to the address stated on the website of the Challenges contest before the deadline. Timely submission will be evidenced by the postmark or the confirmation of receipt of the application. The Inartis Foundation will keep a record of all submissions.

What must the file contain?

Whatever you think.

What we want to know is what your idea is, what innovations it introduces and who benefits from them, how it relates to existing solutions, how feasible it is to realize, whether you have already prepared a prototype, who is in your team, what resources you need in order to realize the idea and what your aims are concerning your idea after the end of The New Now.

Nevertheless, none of the above is obligatory. Candidates are free to decide on the format as they wish.

What happens after I have submitted my application?

The selection procedure comprises three phases:

  1. The Inartis Foundation confirms that the submission meets all conditions for participation.
  2. Candidacies are reviewed by the Inartis Foundation and ranked on the basis of the files’ completeness. Three to five winners are chosen by the judging panel to realize their proposal with funding by the Inartis Foundation.
  3. Oral presentation leading to the selection of the final winner. In case of a tie between two candidacies, the outcome rests upon the vote of the Head of the panel.

The judging panel is not obliged to justify its choice and reserves the right to endorse an idea, reject any files that do not meet the requirements, and decide to not award any of the candidacies for The New Now contest.

Who are the members of the judging panel?

The judging panel consists of Greek and Swiss scientists, academics and innovators capable of identifying and evaluating those new ideas that will make a difference in the field of healthcare.

Can I make changes to my submitted file?

You can resubmit a new file but only until the deadline. No changes may be made after 14 June.

What are the selection criteria?

The panel will evaluate candidacies on the basis of 4 criteria:

  1. Clarity of the vision for realizing an idea.
  2. Originality
  3. The candidate’s ability to support the idea.
  4. The positive impact of the project on a national or international level.

Each submitted file must present all these aspects in detail.

What do the winners receive?

The winners will be invited to travel to Switzerland, where they will be helped by the Inartis Foundation’s 2,000 specialists through coaching in order to develop a prototype of their idea.

The organizers will communicate the winners’ ideas in order to promote them.

Who holds the copyright to the ideas?

The New Now aims to support and promote new entrepreneurs and thus does not lay claim to the copyright to the ideas it awards and funds.

In case that any of the co-organizers or specialists should contribute technological elements of their own, there will be an agreement to address this specific matter.

Where can I find the detailed rules and regulations of the contest?

You can apply in writing to the Inartis Foundation (Avenue des Baumettes 11 – 1020 Renens) and receive a free copy – or you can download them in the Rules part of this website

The NewNow Regulation

The NewNow Regulation

Rules of the competition      
  1. Objective and organization
  2. Definition of innovation
  3. Categories and selection criteria
  4. Eligibility
  5. Selection procedure
  6. Confidentiality
  7. Personal data
  8. Submission of application files
  9. Nature and amounts of awards
  10. Provisional time schedule and progress of the competition
  11. Commitment of the candidates
  12. Intellectual property
  13. Terms and conditions
  14. Amendment of the rules
  15. Delivery of the rules
  16. Disputes

1.      Objective and Organization

The objective of the New Now is to encourage innovation in all its forms by promoting exemplary approaches and by supporting teams and candidates with innovative projects in the selected fields. As such, this competition supports projects with the aim of accelerating their realization or commercialization. The New Now takes place in two stages:
  • An idea development phase, leading to the submission of projects, their evaluation and the designation of nominated projects, the number of which may range from 3 to 5, based on an evaluation conducted by a jury.
  • A phase of prototyping the idea, which takes place in Switzerland for 3 months (July-September). The same jury will decide on the grand winner of The New Now.
  The partners of the New Now are the Swiss Embassy in Greece, the Flux Foundation and the Inartis Foundation.

2.      Definition of Innovation

Innovation can be defined as:
  • A societal benefit
  • A competitive advantage through a new organization, process, product or service
  • An improvement in client/customer relations
  • The product of strategic management or of an idea
  • A source of profitability and development
  4 fields of innovation are considered:
  • Product and service innovation
  • Process innovation
  • Marketing and market innovation
  • Organizational innovation
  A project is considered as innovative on the double condition:
  • Innovative product, process or service
  • Realization of a new concept: product or service

3.      Categories and Selection Criteria

  All application files will be evaluated according to the following selection criteria:
  1. Clarity of the vision (statement of need) for the realization of a product/service by the project leader
  2. Originality of the project and the approach
  3. Motivation/capacity of an individual or a team to advance a project
  4. Observed or envisaged regional, national or international societal or economic consequences / Impact of the project in a broader sense
  These different points must be detailed in the application file.

4.      Eligibility

  The competition is open to projects which are:
  1. Proposed collectively or individually
  2. Genuinely new, have not been finalized, or are not derived from ideas already realized
  3. Submitted by candidates who can prove their involvement in Greek society
  The following cannot be candidates:  
  1. Staff members of the companies/institutions supporting these ideas, companies in which candidates have a majority stake, as well as members of the jury and their families (spouses, ascendants, descendants and collaterals in the first degree).
  2. Winners of previous competitions presenting the same innovation.
  Applications will only be accepted if all the documents which the application file is required to contain are provided. These documents will not be returned at the end of the competition. No changes to the application file will be admitted after the closing date for applications, as this may result in the project being rejected.  

5.      Selection Procedure

For each of the New Now challenges, the procedure must allow for the selection of winners among the candidates.   The selection will be carried out in three stages:  
  1. Verification of the eligibility of the applications by the Inartis Foundation.
  2. Initial review, ranking of applications and proposal of a relevant selection of complete application files to the jury by the Inartis Foundation. Meeting of an expert jury, which will select between 3 and 5 nominees who will each be awarded a budget to prototype their project/proposal in the framework of the Inartis Foundation’s support.
  3. Awarding of the New Now. An oral presentation of the projects by the nominees before the jury is organized by the Inartis Foundation. In the absence of an oral presentation of the project by the project leader, the jury may exceptionally decide to adjudicate on the basis of the file. In the event of a tie between two files, the vote of the jury’s president shall be decisive.
  The jury which is responsible for the decisions reserves the right:
  1. To retain a project.
  2. To not award a project.
  3. To reject incomplete files or those which do not meet the competition criteria.
  The jury is not obliged to provide reasons for its decisions, which are final.  

6. Confidentiality

The application files as well as the deliberations of the jury are confidential. The members of the jury are bound by the strictest professional secrecy.  

7.      Personal data

As operator of The New Now, the Inartis Foundation stores all application files on its servers in Switzerland. Personal data shall not be shared, used or sold to third parties. The project leaders may, however, be contacted by the partners in order to support their development. Any participant in The New Now may request the deletion of his/her data by sending an email to [email protected] or by sending a written request to Inartis Foundation - Avenue des Baumettes 11 - 1020 Renens.  

8.      Submission of Application Files

Completed and signed applications and their annexes must be submitted by email or by post to the address indicated on The New Now webpage before the deadline, as evidenced by the postmark or email receipt. Application files will be stored by the Inartis Foundation.  

9.      Nature and Amounts of Αwards

An operationnal support will be available for each nominated project for the prototyping phase that will take place in Switzerland. This amount must cover all accommodation and prototyping costs. No additional funds will be granted by the organizers. In addition, the Inartis Foundation will provide coaching for projects that require assistance with prototyping. If a nominee does not take part in this second phase or does not turn to account this support in Switzerland, he/she must submit a written development plan. On this basis, the members of the jury may decide to revise or even cancel the financial support amount. A communication action will be set up by The New Now partners with the aim of highlighting the exemplary nature of the nominated and winning projects.  

10.    Provisional Time Schedule and Progress of the Competition

The time schedule of each competition can be found on the competition website and can be requested by email sent to [email protected] or by mail sent to Inartis Foundation - Avenue des Baumettes 11 - 1020 Renens.  

11.    Commitment of the Candidates

  Each candidate for the New Now commits:
  1. To accept the prize in its attributed form, whether in cash or in services, which is not subject to any exchange.
  2. To take into consideration and accept without reservation the present rules.
  3. To renounce any appeal concerning the conditions of the organization of the competition, the results and the decisions of the jury.
  4. To not make any claim or request for compensation in the event of amendment, postponement or cancellation of the New Now.
  5. To hold the intellectual property rights of the proposed project or to be authorized by the coholders to apply for the New Now.
  6. To authorize in advance and free of charge the partners of The New Now to publish, reproduce and represent his name, address and photograph on any medium that could be used in any event related to this Challenge in the context of the secrecy of industrial and commercial property and in compliance with the personal data protection law.
  7. The beneficiary further authorizes the New Now partners to cite the project in their internal and external communication. He/she shall refrain from using their image in any domain that could harm public order, good morals and the image of the New Now partners.

12.    Intellectual Property

As the New Now aims to support entrepreneurs, the intellectual property developed by the project leaders belongs to them. If any of the New Now partners or their experts were to add technological bricks belonging to them, a discussion would be held with the project leaders, leading to a specific contract, in order to identify a partnership path on this subject.  

13.    Terms and Conditions

Participation in the competition is free. Candidates may present several files based on different ideas. A project may be submitted by several natural and/or legal persons. The expenses related to the presentation of the application (presentation before the jury, travel expenses, expenses for the preparation of the file, ...) shall be borne by candidates. No reimbursement shall be made.  

14.    Amendment of the Rules

The New Now partners reserve the right to cancel or modify the present rules if dictated by circumstances or for reasons of force majeure. In the case of an outright cancellation, no charge of any kind whatsoever may be brought against the New Now partners. In case of amendment of the present rules, the organizers undertake to send the content to the candidates, at the latest 15 days before the evaluation takes place.  

15.    Delivery of the Rules

The present rules can be obtained free of charge upon written request to the Inartis Foundation, Avenue des Baumettes 11 - 1020 Renens.  

16.    Disputes

Any dispute concerning one or more points of the rules as well as any dispute that may arise from the present competition shall be irrevocably decided after deliberation between the parties.                                  
NewNow Partners

NewNow Partners

Τhe NewNow initiative is operated by three mains partners, The Embassy of Switzerland in Greece, The Flux Laboratory Athens / Fluxum Foundation & The Inartis Foundation. It is supported by Aegan Airline  
The NewNow jury members

The NewNow jury members

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