
Fondation Inartis

14 November 2017

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“KidsE” submitted by Barbara Wildhaber and Valérie McLin, doctors at the HUG in Geneva and professors at the Swiss Center for Childhood Liver Diseases, is a serious game, available on computer and tablet, allowing the transplanted or soon-to-be transplanted child and adolescent to tame his or her disease and medical record to better monitor his or her condition. The aim of this project is to empower young patients to increase the chances of successful transplants. This model could eventually be applied to other types of transplants and even other chronic diseases.

“We have been working with families, caregivers and technical specialists on a daily basis for over 5 years to develop a customized application to manage this critical transition age for liver transplant patients,” says Valerie McLin. “With the Debiopharm-Inartis Challenge Award, we will be able to put all this knowledge and skills into an even more engaging game and make it available to other paediatric populations with chronic conditions,” adds Barbara Wildhaber.




Barbara Wildhaber, Valérie Mc Lin.